© Ineffable - Noemis - 2022 - All rights reserved.

Psylan Festival 2022

Pictures by @tare.alba.photography

In The Beginning...

To explain what happened this weekend we have to go back to 2016. To the time I first went to Psy-Fi Festival. Not knowing what to expect, not knowing the music. Just with an open mind and heart, I went. As the first notes vibrated the dancefloor I felt its power unlike anything before. And for the first time in my life, while being completely sober, I danced until my feet could no more. Ever since it has been my dream and passion to share this amazing experience with others and it has become a major part of my life. Over the years I kept coming back to what felt like home. After Psy-Fi also Ruigoord, OZORA, this year finally Boom festival and more.
After having waited for 3 years to return to the place where it all began for me I was devastated to hear our wonderful gathering got canceled. But then magic happend.
I got in touch with a wonderful group op passionate and driven volunteers with no experience in the festival industry, who said; we’re not going to let them take this from us and get angry over it, we’re going to CREATE! And create we did! Within just 3 weeks time we put together a complete festival! Complete with wristbands, food trucks, market, 2 awesome cozy stages, and even a magic forest, all accompanied by 3 indoor parties close by within the city of Leeuwarden. It is this amazing resilient and utmost unstoppable creative power of the psychedelic community I am so incredibly proud of. This is what our community stands for and it is truly amazing to be a part of it!
It is at this wonderful Psylan event where I got to play my first official Psytrance gigs. On Friday night from 12:00-05:00 together with my good friend Chris a.k.a C-Beats. And then, on Saturday a set on full blast at the mainstage of our sold-out indoor event.
This, for me is a milestone I will never forget.
Coming full circle…
It fits so wonderfully that my psytrance journey began at Psy-Fi, and now the kickoff, The real start of my Ineffable adventure came forth from Psy-Fi also.
I want to express my gratitude to all the crew who made this event a reality and all the people who danced it into something beyond that. This weekend will remain with me forever.
Listen to the set; “In The Beginning” here:
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